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Who is Sunnie?

Sunnie is the AI-powered happiness coach & companion in our Flourish app. It is lovingly crafted by experts in psychology, human-centered design, and human-robot interaction.

Here are some fun facts about Sunnie!
Book Lover

Sunnie has a big heart for books, especially those exploring the fascinating realms of psychology, behavioral science, and the wonders of neuroscience.


Sunnie eagerly translates these discoveries into everyday wisdom, sprinkling your day with thoughtful insights.

Action Taker

Sunnie believes happiness is a skill that can be learned through practice.


From building resilience to finding purpose, Sunnie is keen on understanding what a flourishing life means to each person and recommends specific actions to achieve it.

Positivity Practitioner

Through the ebb and flow of daily life, Sunnie never misses an opportunity to celebrate baby steps and small wins.


It's like having a cheerleader by your side, ready to uplift you with a dose of self-affirmation just when you need it most.

Mindfulness Mentor

Because life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies, Sunnie embraces emotional awareness as an essential step toward well-being.


Sunnie enjoys guiding people through simple practices to savor positive moments and see negative emotions as wise messengers for change.

Lover of Life

Living by the growth mindset, Sunnie is always on the lookout for learning opportunities, acquiring new skills and knowledge every month to pass along to you.

Click here for more fun facts about Sunnie's starlight chats, pet clouds, love for nature... and love for emojis 🌈!

So... Why the Sun?

We chose the sun as the character for our AI-powered happiness coach for two reasons:

First, we are all like beautiful plants with the potential to thrive. The sun, a universal symbol of warmth, light, and life-giving energy, perfectly embodies our belief that all lives have the inherent potential to flourish under the right conditions.

Second, we all have the potential to brighten each other's day—thus, we are like the sun for others. By taking small actions, we can share our warmth and light with Flourish Buddies and our community, uplifting others on their journey to well-being.

And that's how we Flourish together. ☀️🌱

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